Kenneth Cooke暑期研究奖学金

每年提供肯尼斯·库克夏季研究奖学金. Any 皇冠体育大学 student is eligible to apply for ten weeks of summer research in applied mathematics or statistics. The Fellowship was enabled by The Kenneth Cooke Memorial Endowment Fund which was established in Prof. 库克以前的学生的荣誉, 的同事们, family, 朋友和广大数学社区的成员. 应用, 把你的申请提交给数学系.


  • 由学生撰写的对拟进行的研究项目的描述.
  • 直接指导研究的人员出具的支持信.
  • 如果研究主管不是皇冠体育大学的教员, a letter of recommendation from a Pomona mathematics faculty member serving as mentor on the project.


Areas of applied mathematics supported by this fellowship are: applications of differential equations, 时滞微分方程和泛函方程, 应用概率, 生物学和流行病学中的数学建模, 应用统计学. 

The fellowship may be awarded to a graduating senior if they are continuing a project that started during their career at Pomona. 该奖学金也可以重复多年.


研究计划应由学生撰写, 并且应该清楚地阐明研究的具体目的.

申请截止日期为获批当年的3月31日. More information can be obtained from the Chair of the 皇冠体育大学 Mathematics Department at (909) 621-8409.



伊桑·阿什比' 21,时间过程rna测序数据的分析 T. brucei and E. coli with J. Hardin

Time course RNA-Seq experiments permit study of dynamic transcriptomic responses to stimuli. However, temporal correlations inherent in time course experiments limit the application of conventional differential expression (DE) algorithms. Two time course RNA-Seq datasets were run through a thoughtfully-constructed differential expression pipeline combining two-sample and serial tools, and visualization and downstream analyses were conducted to address biological questions. 第一个数据集是大肠杆菌(E. 大肠杆菌)正在经历细胞饥饿. Analysis of the onset time parameters of sigmoid functions fit to differentially-expressed gene (DEG) profiles demonstrated that graded sensitivity to the stress-responsive transcription factor, RpoS, 没有描述响应细胞饥饿的全球转录组学趋势. The second dataset was a 14 day time course RNA-Seq experiment of the insect-form of the protozoal parasite, 锥虫属brucei, 通过化学敲除一类重要的染色质解读蛋白. Gene ontology analysis of DEG clusters suggest these chromatin-readers play roles in parasite motility, glycosomal新陈代谢, 以及在寄生虫的昆虫形态中维持胞质应激颗粒. These findings are suggestive of a potential developmental change in the parasite’s life cycle. 这项工作是与Lian Morales和Annie Cohen合作完成的.


Erin Angelini ' 18,主轴旋转的简化模型与B. Shtylla

The primary goal of this proposed research is to finish up work initiated in my senior thesis this year, 一种基于能量的有丝分裂纺锤体排列模型 C. elegans."  This work will be conducted in collaboration with the Dawes lab at Ohio State University.

Harry Bendekgey ' 19,用G预测选举. Chandler

1997年,狂热的贝叶斯主义者安德鲁·格尔曼说:“选举是可以预测的.尽管2016年的大选让公众感到意外, 预测模型认为特朗普真的有可能获胜. 看看当时权威人士可用的数据, 我们现在可以看到,有很多迹象表明特朗普会获胜. 不过,这并不意味着预测者应该说特朗普处于领先地位. It's okay for a forecaster to give a candidate a small (25% let's say) chance of winning and then for them to win; given that prediction, 我们应该能看到四分之一的结果. 事后分析数据要容易得多, which brings us to an important conclusion: elections are predictable when the model is good. 困难在于建立这种模式.


吕本吉[17],随机森林预测区间的构造. Hardin

虽然随机森林通常用于回归, our understanding of the prediction error associated with random forest predictions of individual responses is relatively limited. 我们引入了一种新的误差测量方法,并对其性质进行了评价, 将其与残差平方均值估计量进行比较, 据我们所知, is the only measure of random forest prediction error that has been introduced in the literature thus far. We show that our proposed estimator provides an individualized estimate of the error associated with a particular random forest prediction, while the out-of-bag mean of squared residuals estimator provides a more general estimate of the random forest's prediction error as a whole. 通过对基准和模拟数据集的仿真, we also demonstrate that both estimators of prediction error may form the bases for valid random forest prediction intervals. 经验, these prediction intervals performed as well as quantile regression forest prediction intervals.

John Sangyeob Kim, 17岁, Mathematical Model of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR): Stability Analysis and Empirical Data Application with A. Rumbos

我认为数学是健康研究的重要组成部分. Mathematical modeling allows modelers to devise a framework of hypotheses to describe complex interactions among variables and different aspects of the real world. Modelers then explore the dynamics of the framework to see if the model adequately explains phenomena of interest. 如果解释不够充分, then the original assumptions are further loosened or tweaked to better reflect the reality. 

J. S. Kim.  一种抗菌素耐药性传播模型分析, SIAM本科生研究在线期刊, 卷12, 2019, DOI: 10.1137/19S1254805.



大卫·摩根14岁, Stochastic Analysis of a Mammalian Circadian Clock Model:  Small Protein Number Effects with B. Shtylla

Cells contain complicated biochemical networks that permit adaptability of the cell function in the face of changing signals and environment. Thanks to advances in experimental methods we are learning a lot about the various components that make up these networks, however, how they are combined together remains a mystery that cannot be easily be detangled by experiment alone. 这就是数学建模适合和强大的地方. 相应的, a new technique called network analysis is becoming popular in the field of systems biology, where it is used to mathematically model responses of various modules of complex biochemical networks.


马克西米利安·霍夫曼' 16,化学反应机制的进化动力学与D. 弗莱尔和C. Galvin

Reaction mechanisms have always been an important facet of chemical and biological studies. 没有对反应如何进行的基本理解, 我们的学习能力很差, improve, 控制我们每天接触到的科学. 因此,人们做了许多尝试来预测反应路径和产物. 传统上采用动力学和能量研究, 然而,这些往往导致不令人满意的结论. 动力学只能排除错误的机制, while computer generated potential energy surfaces have failed to offer reliable pathways. Exciting recent studies have successfully visualized reactions by cooling the reagents to near zero Kelvin temperatures, but to this date chemists are left without predictable guidelines for understanding the principles guiding a reaction mechanism.