国际 & 国内项目同伴导师


留学项目: Middlebury School in France: Paris (Université Paris Cité), academic year 2023-2024

专业: 心理科学,法语

预期毕业后: 2025年春季

I knew right away coming to college I wanted to study abroad—the prospect of living and learning abroad was too exciting to pass up. 也就是说,我不知道我想去哪里,我想做什么. 幸运的是,IDPO的资源让我找到了一个
这个程序完美地匹配了我想做的所有随机的事情, so much so I ended up applying to extend my semester long program into a full year. I cannot emphasize enough how much my year in Paris improved my language skills. 生活
和其他女性一起, French students and directly enrolling in a Parisian university contributed to a very immersive and exciting experience. 我很感激我的项目是如此适合我, 因为我相信,要有作为……的经验是必不可少的
和我一样积极. 因此,我也很高兴能帮助任何学生找到他们完美的课程!

具体的兴趣话题: Being abroad for a year, foreign language living and immersion, mental health while abroad

校园活动:皇冠体育人格, 精神病理学, 与人际关系(PPPR)实验室, 皇冠体育+斯克里普斯舞蹈系






预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? 我一直都知道我想出国留学. In high school I was fortunate enough to visit several European countries while performing with a choir. 它激发了我对旅行的好奇心,这种好奇心从未离开过我. 当我以前出国旅行的时候, 我喜欢这些经历, 但我从来没有感觉到我是一个社区的一部分. 我只是一个短暂的过客. Studying abroad gave me the opportunity to immerse myself more in my experience abroad than any travel had before. 我能够在日常生活中经常练习这门语言, 熟悉不同的社区, 乘坐公共交通工具, 并逐渐习惯罗马的生活方式. My classes were taught by Italian professors who commuted from the periphery of the city and would sometimes take us to neighborhoods few Americans think to visit. 我的社交圈里既有美国人也有罗马人, 这有助于我们练习语言技能吗, 区分旅游陷阱和真实体验, 并且更加熟悉不同的社会规范. 我仍然是美国人, 但我正在成为意大利一个社区的一部分, 而不仅仅是一个游客. 我认为出国留学在某种程度上提供了这样的机会, 较短的旅行方式永远不可能.


校内活动: 皇冠体育 Student Union, 克莱蒙特 Colleges Debate Union, 5C Men’s Club Basketball


秋季2024小时:星期二下午1时至3时.m.,星期五上午9:00.m. - 12:00 p.m.


留学项目: CIEE艺术学院 & 2024年春天,韩国首尔的科学中心


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要学习? After discovering K-dramas in middle school, I dreamed of studying in South Korea. 作为第一代, 低收入家庭的学生, this seemed impossible until I learned about the CIEE Arts and Sciences Program. 在皇冠体育大学的资助下,我的梦想变成了现实. 作为一个学韩语的心理学专业的学生, 我的目标是提高我的语言技能和文化理解. Through immersion, dance classes, and local connections, I achieved significant growth in both areas. 而我喜欢韩国的时尚, 夜生活, 和卡拉ok, the highlight was reuniting with a close friend I'd met during her exchange at Pitzer. 帮助国家渡过难关
她的眼睛提供了宝贵的洞察力. This experience not only fulfilled a long-held dream but also broadened my horizons.

具体的兴趣话题:第一代和低收入家庭的留学生, 有色人种的学生到同质人种的地方旅行, 第一次旅行者, POC国外




Mustajab Farrukh

留学项目: IFSA大学伦敦学院合作,2024年春季


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? Being an international student, in some ways I am already studying abroad at 皇冠体育大学. 然而,, my love for traveling and my curiosity to explore and push myself beyond my comfort zone made me determined to pursue study abroad. I believed as I had already made such a big transition moving from my hometown, 搬到一个新地方住一个学期没什么大不了的. 然而, I was mistaken and my move to London came with its own unique sets of challenges and obstacles that I had to overcome. 尽管有这些挑战, I think studying abroad was the best decision I made for myself during my time at college. 我完全爱上了伦敦这个城市, 以至于我开始考虑去英国读研究生! It was very interesting to delve into London’s vibrant history and learn about what the city had to offer and what I could offer the city as I formed diverse relationships and experienced an environment so different from what I grew up accustomed to and the one I found at college. Stepping outside of the 克莱蒙特 bubble to catch a glimpse of that world truly allowed me to put my academic goals into perspective and as well as stimulated personal growth. I am happy to chat with you about my experience and answer any questions you might have!

具体的兴趣话题:第一代/低收入/海外留学生, 在比赛, 在国外时的性别和身份, 海外跨学科研究, 国外心理健康

校内活动: Coop商店的总经理, ASPC鸡舍委员会, SASA和FLI成员, 阳光计划和皇冠体育联合学区志愿者


秋季2024小时:星期二和星期四9:00 - 10:45.m.


留学项目: CIEE艺术学院 & 2024年春天,南非开普敦的科学中心


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? When I learnt about 皇冠体育’s study abroad opportunities, I knew I had to make the most of them. 我在成长过程中曾多次搬家, 虽然这有它的挑战, 我喜欢随之而来的冒险和探索的感觉. I chose to study in Cape Town because I was drawn to the city’s rich cultural tapestry, 其复杂的历史, 还有令人难以置信的海滩组合, 山, 和野生动物. 作为一个政治专业的学生, Cape Town provided a unique setting to understand living in a city that has undergone significant social and political change and a chance to learn about important historical events outside of the classroom. 我在国外的日子充满了挑战, but I would do it again in a second for all that it gave me; new relationships, 新发现的激情, 重新燃起了鞭策自己的欲望. 我的经历加深了我的全球视野, and reinforced the idea that growth often comes from embracing the unfamiliar.


校内活动: 皇冠体育风险投资公司洛政治经济研究所经济记者


秋季2024小时星期二和星期四上午10点.m. - 12:00 p.m.


留学项目: IFSA墨尔本大学合作,2023年春季


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? 当我了解到皇冠体育大学的留学选择时, 我立刻下定决心,我要尽我最大的努力出国留学. My curious soul and search for new adventures is what brought me to 皇冠体育 as an international student, 同样的精神促使我出国留学. 我喜欢体验新环境, 学术和文化, 因此,出国留学似乎是满足这一愿望的绝佳机会. 我相信,虽然环境的变化带来了新的挑战, 正是从这些挑战中,你才能作为一个人学习和成长. 出国留学让我体验到了这些新的挑战, 犯错误, 给个人成长留有空间. 回顾, 我非常感激我在国外的时光, 它给我的教训, 还有它带给我的所有回忆! And if the idea of studying abroad ever pops into your mind feel free to chat to me about it anytime, 我很乐意帮忙.


校内活动: 化学联络,5C板球俱乐部,5C科学巴士




留学项目: CIEE热带生态学 & 2024年春天,哥斯达黎加蒙特韦德保护区


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? 进入皇冠体育, 我知道我想出国留学,当我缩小我的兴趣, 我对自己想要什么样的留学经历有了更好的认识. 作为一名对环境科学感兴趣的生物学专业学生, 热带地区是地球上生物多样性最丰富的地区之一. 因此, I wanted to gain a more well rounded and global perspective on ecology and conservation as well as learn about environmental policies of other countries first hand. 另外, my program was very place-based and had an emphasis on experiential learning so many of my days were spent outside hiking and going on field trips to different parts of Costa Rica. I also knew I wanted to be in Latin America as my family is originally from Mexico and wanted the opportunity to practice and advance my Spanish speaking abilities. 整体, I had a wonderful experience abroad and am so grateful for all the resources 皇冠体育 provided that made studying away very accessible.

具体的兴趣话题: STEM学生出国留学,海外金融

校内活动: 皇冠体育农场堆肥助理,导游,生态学研究

皇冠体育最喜欢的地方: The Farm <3



留学项目: DIS -出国留学哥本哈根,丹麦,2024年春季


预期毕业后: 2025年春季

我为什么要出国留学? 大二的时候,我对出国留学产生了兴趣. 在学校呆了一年多之后,我知道我想尝试一些新的东西. This led me to research study abroad programs and talk to returning students about their experiences abroad. Hearing about the different places and experiences students had made me eager about the opportunity to study abroad. 起初, 作为第一代学生,我很紧张地申请出国留学, 低收入家庭的学生, but the IDPO office and the peer mentors made the process significantly easier. 总的来说,我在哥本哈根的经历非常棒. I had an opportunity to live and immerse myself in a completely different city, 它改变了我对很多事情的看法. 我也有机会去欧洲不同的城市旅行, 这是我以前从未做过的. 整体, 我很感激我有机会出国留学, and I look forward to helping other students in navigating the student abroad process!

具体的兴趣话题:第一代和低收入家庭的留学生, 海外有色人种学生, 国外财政, 第一次旅行者

校内活动: 拉丁裔科技副总裁,学术同侪导师(PSM)


秋季2024小时星期一和星期三上午九时.m. - 12:00 p.m.