
学生通过校园门户网站注册课程, My.皇冠体育. 提供这个概述是为了帮助您完成注册过程.  欲知详情,请参阅本页底部的菜单.

  1. Meet with your advisor to discuss your course choices and receive your advisor's registration clearance. 如果你的指导老师没有批准你的注册许可 My.皇冠体育,您将无法在注册预约期间注册. 
  2. 清除你账户上的所有滞留. 
  3. Request permission (also known as a "PERM") for any courses that are closed or require instructor permission. 
  4. 在注册预约期间添加课程. 您在预注册期间有24小时的窗口. 所有学生注册后,添加/删除将持续到添加截止日期.


  • 你只能提前登记4次.75门课程. 学生 who are eligible to enroll in more courses may add them on the first day of classes. 有关入学限制的更多信息,请参阅课程负荷部分 皇冠体育学院目录.
  • 如果你需要切换实验室或课堂, 系统会提示你放弃实验和讲座. 你可以把开关打开 My.皇冠体育 如果课堂和实验部分都开放的话. 如果其中一个部分关闭,请与我们的办公室联系. 我们可以进行切换,只要新的部分是开放的,或者你有批准的PERM.
  • Thesis courses: Seniors must request a PERM to enroll in thesis sections with their primary thesis advisor/reader. If a section doesn't exist for a particular instructor, please contact the Registrar's Office.
  • Varsity athletic teams: If you would like to receive course credit for your participation on a varsity team, 你需要在你的课程表中加入适当的体育课程. 它不会自动添加到您的日程安排中.
  • 在添加/删除期间,您可以通过 My.皇冠体育,但评分选项更改必须亲自到注册办公室提交. 



您可以登录网站查看预约时间 My.皇冠体育 门户网站, 点击屏幕上方的“学生”链接, 然后在“我的注册”下面选择“添加/删除课程”. 你必须选择你想知道的具体术语, 由于您的注册预约时间每学期都会有所变化.

If you are a 皇冠体育大学 student but do not see the term or the registration appointment time it means:

  • the registration appointment time has not yet been created - appointment times are created roughly three weeks before pre-registration begins; or
  • you are will be a new first year or transfer student at 皇冠体育 for the next term (new students register during orientation); or
  • the 司法常务官办公室 does not believe you will be eligible for that semester's registration because
    • 你会在那个学期之前毕业, or
    • 你将被停职 or
    • you have been approved for a study away program and will not be taking courses in 克莱蒙特 that term.

If it is within three weeks of pre-registration and you are eligible to register for the term but do not see an appointment time, 请联系注册主任办公室,以便我们为您提供帮助.

如果您因任何原因错过了您的注册预约时间, you may register for courses or adjust your schedule once registration re-opens (generally the Monday following pre-registration). All students must be cleared for registration by their advisor and have any registration holds removed prior to registration.


登记 appointments are scheduled by class year: seniors register on the first day, 二年级学生在二楼, 等. 每天之内, 基于“优先组”的任命(1), 2, 3或4)在新生刚到皇冠体育时随机分配给他们. 优先组的顺序每学期轮换,以确保公平, 这样一来,就不会有学生总是在上课时间晚的时候被预约.

Here is the schedule for fall 2023 through fall 2026, with priority group 4 used as an example:

  • 2023秋季:2,3,4,1(优先组4排名第三)
  • 2024年春季:4,1,2,3(优先组4优先)
  • 2024年秋季:3,2,1,4(优先组4排名第四)
  • 2025春季:1、4、3、2(优先组4排第二)
  • Fall 2025: 2, 3, 4, 1 (priority group 4 is placed third again; the cycle repeats itself)

在当天和优先组内, students are the assigned a specific registration appointment time at random though an algorithm. Priority groups approximately align so the first priority group of the day registers in the first part of the morning, 当天的第二个优先组在上午晚些时候注册, 当天的第三组在下午早些时候注册, 第四个优先组在下午晚些时候注册. 

Priority registration appointments are only available for students who have that specific accommodation approved through the 皇冠体育大学 无障碍资源及服务 (ARS)办公室.


在您注册之前,您的指导老师将需要批准注册许可. Please be sure to verify that you have received clearance before your registration appointment. 为此,请登录到 My.皇冠体育,点击“学生”链接,然后点击“我的注册”." There you will see your appointment time for the specific semester and whether or not you have been granted advisor clearance to register. 如果你还没有收到许可并且已经见过你的导师, 提醒你的指导医生在预约前让你离开. 如果你不能在预约后的24小时内联系到你的导师, 联系你的导师所在部门的系主任或注册主任办公室.


您可以在我的注册页面查看您的帐户是否有保留 My.皇冠体育. 如果您的账户有保留,会在这里注明. 以下几个办事处可能会保留你的记录:

  • 商务办公室:(909)621-8214或学生.accounts@abilitymomy.com
  • 经济援助:(909)621-8205或财政援助.aid@abilitymomy.com
  • 学生事务主任:(909)621-8017或deanofstudents@abilitymomy.com
  • Undeclared Major Hold (applies to rising juniors and seniors only): 司法常务官办公室 at (909) 621-8147 or registrar@abilitymomy.com


The PERM system enables you to request permission for courses that are restricted or otherwise closed. 如果一门课程只对某些专业或学年开放,则可能需要获得许可.g. 仅限大三和大四学生),或者如果已经达到最大入学人数.

  1. 登录到 My.皇冠体育.
  2. 通过添加/删除portlet上的课程搜索, 点击课程名称号码,查看课程详情界面.
  3. 在这里,您应该看到标有“合格”的部分.如果你符合课程资格,系统会说“是”,你就可以添加课程了. 如果你不符合资格,它也会给你理由(e).g., you do not meet the section requirements) and a link will appear asking you if you would like to request a PERM for the course.
  4. 一旦你点击PERM链接, 您将有机会添加关于您对讲师的要求的评论. 此信息将通过电子邮件发送给教师, so make it as specific as necessary for the instructor to understand your qualifications to take the course, 以及想要接受它的原因.


  • 你可能不会马上收到老师的回复. 许多教师等到上课时才看有多少空位, 是否有学生放弃了这门课. 请耐心等待.
  • 您可以通过登录查看您已经提交的PERM请求 My.皇冠体育 并选择左侧面板上的PERMissions to Enroll Requests部分.
  • 教师可以授予您两种类型的权限:
    • 只要课程开放,就可以注册
    • 允许添加课程,即使它已关闭
  • You'll know which kind of permission you've been granted by reading the email you are sent when/if the instructor approves your request.
  • 获得许可后,您将需要通过 My.皇冠体育. 该课程不会自动添加到您的时间表中.
  • 如果您在预约时间后收到烫发, 等到添加/删除阶段开始时,您就可以添加课程了. You can't use a PERM after the add deadline; in such a case you would need to petition the 学术程序委员会 (APC) to add the course.


点击课程编号 My.皇冠体育 浏览课程详情网页. 在那个页面上,你会在屏幕顶部看到“教科书”链接. 点击链接查看课程所需的教科书.


As a 皇冠体育 student you may register for graduate courses at 克莱蒙特 Graduate University (CGU) or Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) during the fall and spring terms and have those courses count toward your degree requirements at 皇冠体育. CGU课程可以在 CGU课程表 和KGI课程都列在 凯基注册商网页

To register for most CGU or KGI courses you will need to request permission of the course instructor (for Management classes see below). Once you have received written permission please send a message to the 皇冠体育 司法常务官办公室 (registrar@abilitymomy.com),填上你希望修读的课程编号,并呈递导师的许可. 需要两至三个工作天完成此登记..

CGU德鲁克管理学院管理课程(MGT), 行政管理(行政管理), 或艺术管理(ARMGT)需要部门办公室的许可, as those courses are competitive and may include executives and thus require a certain level of professional participation and prerequisite experience for dialogue enrichment. 不要向个别导师申请注册这些课程的许可, 而是联系Peter F. 德鲁克和伊藤正俊管理研究生院,电话:909-607-9014或电子邮件. 弗吉尼亚·布拉德 维吉尼亚州.bullard@cgu.edu 请求注册许可.

To enroll in courses that are offered jointly between one of the undergraduate 克莱蒙特 Colleges and CGU or KGI, 您应该选择与课程相对应的本科课程编号. 例如, 参加“黑大西洋艺术”课程, 这门课是由皇冠体育大学和科罗拉多州立大学共同教授的, 5C students should enroll in course number HIST189D PO (and not in CGU course number TNDY405R CG).





CMC, Pitzer, Scripps
HMC, KGI的学分 CGU的单位
1 3 4
0.5 1.5 2