1098T Information & Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 1098-T Form?

1098-T表格是由符合条件的教育机构根据1997年纳税人救济法案的要求向美国国税局报告其学生信息的表格. 符合条件的教育机构须提交学生姓名, address, and taxpayer’s identification number (TIN), enrollment and academic status. Beginning with 2003, 教育机构还必须向美国国税局报告与合格学费和相关费用有关的金额, as well as scholarships and/or grants, taxable or not. A 1098-T form must also be provided to each applicable student. This form is informational only. 它的作用是提醒学生,他们可能有资格获得联邦所得税教育减免或信贷. It should not be considered as tax opinion or advice. While it is a good starting point, the 1098-T, as designed and regulated by the IRS, 不包含申请税收减免或抵免所需的所有信息. 美国国税局没有要求你必须申请学费和杂费减免或教育信贷. 申请教育税收优惠是那些可能符合条件的人的自愿决定.

When can I Expect to Receive my 1098-T Form?

1098-T表格只以电子方式提供,并可于1月31日前在CASHNet上查阅/下载. 我知道我可以通过发邮件给学生会计办公室索要纸质副本.

How is Box 1 Being Determined?

方框1报告从所有来源收到的日历年度合格学费和相关费用. Qualified expenses do not include charges for housing, meal plans, transportation, and personal expenses. 收到的款项首先用于符合条件的学费和相关费用. Once qualified tuition and related expenses are paid for, any remaining balance/payments are applied to room, board, and other fees. For example, if a payment of $5,在2021年12月收到了2000美元的学费,用于2022年春季的学杂费, the $5,000英镑将首先全额用于合格学费及相关费用(QTRE),从而在2021年1098年度报告.

Why did I Receive a 1098-T and what am I Supposed to do with it?

In January of each year, 皇冠体育学院发送国税局表格1098-T给所有学生谁有合格的学费和其他相关的教育费用账单给他们在上一个日历年. 此表格仅供参考,不应视为税务意见或建议. 它的作用是提醒学生,他们可能有资格获得联邦所得税教育减免或信贷. 收到1098-T表格并不表示有资格获得扣除或税收抵免. To determine the amount of qualified tuition and fees paid, and the amount of scholarships and grants received, a taxpayer should use their own financial records. 注:由每个纳税人决定是否有资格获得抵税额以及如何计算抵税额.

How can I Obtain a Copy of my 1098-T Form?



框1中的金额仅为合格学费和相关费用(QTRE)支付的金额,不包括收到的住房付款, meal plans, library fines, parking citations/permits, insurance, 或健康服务费用,因为这些费用不被视为相关的教育费用. Furthermore, 1098-T表格报告学生在特定日历年内支付的金额, 而且发工资的日期不一定和上课的日期一致. For example, 春季学期的学费在12月支付,所以学生可能在2021年支付了春季学期的学费,尽管事实上直到2022年才开始上课. 关于您支付的合格学费和相关费用的金额的最佳和最准确的信息来源将是您位于CASHNet的电子账单.

I Graduated in May of the Current Year. Do I Have a 1098-T Form for the Current Year?

一些五月份的毕业生将不会获得当年的1098-T表格,因为QTRE有可能是在上一年的12月31日或之前支付的. 目前春季学期的学费通常在前一年的12月开票并公布, therefore, would have been included on the previous year’s Form 1098-T, in Box 1. 如果学生支付了当前春季学期的学费,并且在前一年支付了任何其他未付的QTRE费用, 那么学生将不会收到当年的1098-T表格.

I did not Receive a 1098-T Form, Why?

Pomona was not required to send you a form.

Did you Send a Copy of this Form to the IRS?

Yes. Section 6050S of the Internal Revenue Code, as enacted by the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, 要求机构提交信息申报表,以帮助纳税人和国税局确定是否有资格获得希望和终身学习教育税收抵免. 上一纳税年度的表格在每年的1月底邮寄.



  • 在合格的教育机构(任何认可的公共机构)注册或出勤所需的学费, nonprofit, 或专上院校(包括皇冠体育学院)
  • Books, supplies, and equipment needed for a course of study

有关合格教育费用的更多信息,请访问: IRS Publication 970.

What is the American Opportunity Credit?

For more information, please visit the IRS website.

My Address Listed on the 1098-T has Changed. Will this Affect me?

No. 表格1098-T上显示的地址与国税局所得税申报目的无关. 表格上最重要的信息是你的社会安全号码.

How do I get a Reprint of my 1098-T Form?



Calendar year account statements are available by request.

What if I still have Questions?

如果您有其他问题或疑虑,您可以通过电子邮件与我们联系: student.accounts@abilitymomy.com or Phone: 909-621-8214

注:请注意,皇冠体育学院不提供法律, tax, 或向学生提供会计建议,我们对您使用本出版物中的信息概不负责. 收到1098-T表格并不表示有资格获得税收抵免.