



  • 根据联邦家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 修订的, 皇冠体育学院的学生对学院保存的教育记录有以下权利. 

    1. 学生有权查阅和审查自己的学习记录, 有一定的限制. 教育记录包括, 在任何媒介中, 与就读或曾经就读学院并由学院维持的学生有直接关系.  这些例行记录包括, 但不限于, 成绩, 成绩单, 类列表, 学生课程表, 学生财务资料, 学生纪律档案. 

    1. Offices maintaining portions of each student’s education record are the Dean of 学生/Office of Student Affairs, 皇冠体育, 财政援助办公室, 注册主任, 出国留学, 各相关学术部门办公室, 财务处, 学院院长办公室, 人力资源, 以及(非在读学生的一些记录)进步办公室.  除了, 以下是克莱蒙特大学联盟办公室[黑人学生事务], 校园安全, 墨西哥裔/拉丁裔学生事务, 健康教育办事处, 图书馆, 蒙苏尔咨询中心, 学生健康服务, 和学生残疾资源中心]也可能保留学生的部分教育记录.  学生 who have questions about information in any of these files should see the managers/directors of the offices involved. 某些记录可能由取代FERPA的其他隐私法律和法规管理, 和, 因此, 可能不在本保单范围内. Requests for the inspection 和 review of education records must be submitted direct to the custodian of the record, 遵循保管该记录的办公室的政策和程序. 

    1. 学生有权要求修改其教育记录,以纠正不准确的信息. 遵守学院的政策, 各个办公室都制定了对教育记录内容提出质疑的程序. 学生 may also submit a written request for correction of a particular education record to the Dean of 学生. 如未作出要求的修改或更正记录, 学生可以在记录中插入一份关于争议内容的书面声明. 有关职系分配的争议不包括在本规定之内. 学生 with concerns about the assignment of individual 成绩 are referred to the Policy on Disputed Grades. 

    1. The College will not release personally identifiable information in an education record without the student’s prior written consent. (个人身份信息的一些例子是成绩, 考试分数, 平均绩点, 考试成绩(e).g. 坐, GRE考试), 学科地位, 出生日期, 性别, 宗教信仰, 公民身份, 种族, 婚姻状况, 社会保险号, 学生身份证号.) This information may be released to parents only with the student’s written authorization (or if the parent can establish that the student is a dependent for tax purposes). 该授权在学生书面取消之前一直有效. 

    1. 学生有权向联邦政策合规办公室提出投诉, 美国教育部的一个部门, 因涉嫌侵犯他们在FERPA下的权利. 投诉应以书面形式提交至:家庭政策合规办公室, 美国教育部, 马里兰大道西南400号, 华盛顿特区20202-5920. 

    符合FERPA, 皇冠体育大学 has designated the following items of information as directory information that may be released without the prior consent of the student: 

    • 姓名和学生用户名; 

    • 本地及永久地址; 

    • 本地、移动和永久电话号码; 

    • 电子邮件地址; 

    • 主修领域; 

    • 出席日期; 

    • 注册状态; 

    • 类级别; 

    • 预计毕业日期; 

    • 获得的学位和奖项; 

    • 最近就读的院校; 

    • 参加官方认可的活动和体育; 

    • 以及运动员的身高和体重. 

    学生 may request that the College restrict the release of directory information by submitting a written request to 注册主任’s Office. 这些限制在学生书面取消之前一直有效. 目录 information required for course or classroom participation may not be withheld from 教师 和 students connected with the particular course. 除了, enrollment as a student 和 attendance at or participation in classes 和 other College activities constitutes an agreement by the student to the College’s use 和 distribution of the student’s image or voice in photographs, 录像带, 录音带, 以及这些课程和其他学院活动的电子复制品. 

    FERPA允许的, 大学官员 have access to student directory 和 non-directory information when a legitimate educational interest exists for specific education records. A legitimate educational interest exists when the College has determined that a College official needs to know specific information to accomplish academic, 教学, 咨询, 行政, 研究, 监督, 由学院指派的纪律或其他教育责任. 大学官员可能包括雇员, 教师, 工作人员, 受托人, 法律顾问, 皇冠体育学院的指定代表, 克莱蒙特学院和克莱蒙特大学联盟, 以及学院的签约代理商和代理机构. 皇冠体育学院可能会外包一些需要从教育记录中披露信息的操作. 这些服务的提供者包括国家学生信息中心. 大学官员, 包括签约服务提供商, who receive education records must comply with all FERPA regulations regarding re-disclosure 和 the privacy of such education records. 

    除了, 在FERPA, 并遵守其他联邦和地方法规, 在高等教育环境中,隐私权从家长重新分配给学生. 不过, FERPA permits institutions to disclose information from education records to parents 和 to other third-party entities in specific situations 和 under certain conditions. 这些情况包括: 

    • 致该学生寻求、打算或已入学的另一所学校的管理人员; 

    • 与学生申请或接受经济援助有关; 

    • 对某些联邦政府, 状态 or local government authorities in connection with the audit or evaluation of educational programs (these government authorities may further disclose information to outside entities that are designated by them to conduct any audit, 代表他们进行评估、执法或合规活动); 

    • 到U.S. 军事招聘人员; 

    • 给代表学院进行研究或审计的某些实体, 由联邦, 状态, 或者当地的教育部门, 或由专业及其他教育机构; 

    • 遵守法院命令和传票; 

    • 在健康和安全受到威胁或学生身份发生变化时; 

    • 当违反联邦法律, 状态, or local regulations have occurred 和 violations to institutional policy have been determined regarding crimes of violence or non-forcible sex acts 和, 21岁以下学生不得观看, the use or possession of alcohol or other controlled substances; 和 

    • 根据FERPA中规定的其他突发事件. 


皇冠体育学院非常重视对该机构的投诉和关注. 如果您对皇冠体育学院有投诉,您可以将投诉提交给: 

  1. 学生事务主任阿维斯·欣克森(阿维斯.hinkson@abilitymomy.com or Deanof学生@abilitymomy.com)或909-621-8017/x18017, 
  2. 司法常务官艾琳·柯林斯(艾琳.collins@abilitymomy.com or registrar@abilitymomy.com 或909-621-8147 / x18147, 
  3. 校园申诉专员Gecole Harley (gecole.harley@abilitymomy.com

These contacts will provide you with an explanation of the campus process for addressing your particular complaint(s) 和 answer any questions you may have to assure you a fair process. If you believe that your complaint warrants further attention after exhausting all the steps outlined in the writing given to you by the Dean of 学生 or Campus Ombuds, 您可以联系: 

The Western Association of Schools 和 Colleges (WASC) if your complaint is about the institution’s compliance with academic program quality 和 accrediting st和ards. WASC是皇冠体育学院的学术认证机构. 

If you believe that your complaint continues to warrant further consideration after exhausting the review of either WASC or the investigative team representing 皇冠体育大学, you may submit a complaint to the Attorney General of the State of California by filing a complaint form with the Public Inquiry Unit of the California State Department of Justice at: 

  • Public Inquiry Unit: 916-322-3360; 800-952-5225; fax: 916-323-5341, or 
  • 向加州总检察长提交投诉的在线表格 

The Attorney General’s Office will review the process through which the campus attempted to resolve your complaint. 过程是否符合书面大纲, 总检察长办公室会的, 为了国家监督的目的, 这件事就算了结了. If the Attorney General determines that the process through which the campus attempted to resolve your complaint did not comply with its published process, 司法部长可要求皇冠体育学院重新考虑. The Attorney General’s Office also has oversight of 皇冠体育大学 as authorized through the “Supervision of Trustees 和 Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act” [Cal. 政府法典第12598条], which provides public means to submit complaints regarding non-profit colleges 和 universities that abuse their status under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (23 U.S.C. §501(c)(3). The California Attorney General is given broad powers to undertake law enforcement investigations 和 legal actions to protect the public interest under Cal. 政府法规§12598. 

Nothing in this disclosure limits any right that you may have to seek civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints. 皇冠体育大学 has provided this disclosure to you in compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, 修订的, 如联邦法规第34条所规管, 部分600.9 (b)(3)和668.43(b). 如有任何内容已过期,请通知教务处. 

根据第600条.联邦法规第34编第9条,并符合加州教育法典协议94878.9, 个人可以联系私立高等教育教育局,要求审查投诉.  联络本局的方式: 

地址:2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400 
电话 :         916-431-6924 
传真 :                   916-26-1897 